Fertile Cresent - The crescent-shaped fertile land that is facing the Mediterranian sea where the fist main civilization began, often called the cradle of civilization.
Mesopotamia- from Greek, meaning "the land between two rivers" refers to the fertile crescent and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers which flood and bring the fertile mud to the crescent.
City-state- The city and all of the land surrounding it which came together to make the city-state allowing it to make large surplusses of grain and allow the state to grow.
Cultural Diffusion- The movent of ideas from one area to another that allowed places to gain new technologies and Ideas.
Polytheism - the belief in many gods, typically had one assigned to each force of nature.
empire - instead of all the small city-states, they are all united into one central empire together under one ruler
Hammurabi - A lawmaker from ancient Sumeriathat came up with Hammurabi's code where an eye for an eye originated.
3 environmental threats that the Sumerians face were the fact of unexpected floods that could come at any time, and then periods of little to no rain. there was also the fact that their villages had little to no protection from outside forces. Also, they have very little natural resources and few building supplies.
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