Friday, January 10, 2020

Geographic luck, Animals included

Today we continued to watch Guns Germs and Steel.  In this portion of the video, another part of the geographic luck that places experienced is the animals that are present in their area.   More specifically the main animals that can help to grow the civilization of a place that is herbivores that are mammals over 100 lbs.  Over 10,000 years of civilization only 14 different types of animals were domesticated.  These species include several bovine species, camelids, horses, and pigs, among other species.  These species are extremely useful in order to prepare the land for planting.  Examples of this are plowing using horses, and oxen.   This also played into Geographic luck because the people in places like New Guinea do not have these animals to offer all of their resources, and free up time to do other things that are necessary for civilization. These animals also helped to make a place successful like the crops that were grown.

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