Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Today In honors Huamn Geo. we began our discussion on population.  With this, we looked at a large number of statistics.  We talked about how the population of the world was documented and how every second there are 2.5 people born in the world.   That is a massive number.  We also looked at the world population clock that showed us how net gain works.  There are places in the world where the population is steadily going down and places where population steadily goes up.  the majority of population growth occurs in developing nations or places were the sensus and other infrastructure that helps to keep track of people are not nearly as honed in as the United States.  Then we looked at when the populations of the world grew by a billion people.  Statistics show the first time that the world population reached one million people was around 1804.  This means that it took over 10,000 years to reach one billion. Then from there, it took progressively less time to reach the next billion as healthcare and the amount of people grew.

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