Thursday, October 17, 2019

Birth rate measurements

Today we went over how to measure the growth (or decline) of the population in certain parts of the globe.  the way that you measure birth rate is with Crude Birth Rate,  this helps to make the amount of growth that occurs more comparable to other places.  the crude birth rate is measured by the number of births per 1000 of the population.  then to measure the growth of a population the death count must be taken into account.  This is measured in Crude Death Rate, like the crude birth rate it is measured in deaths per thousand of the population to make the change in population more comparable.  both of these things are combined to find the Rate of Natural Increase.  this is found by subtracting the deaths from the births.  A population can also grow through Migration, or the people moving into or out of a place.  The Net Migration Rate is measured through the difference in people coming into or leaving the nation in the course of one year.  There are many different reasons that a person would leave their home to go to a new home.  some factors that would push a person from their home would be a civil war, environmental degradation, Unemployment or underemployment, and religious prosecution.  there are also factors that would draw a person to a place such as the United States.  These factors include religious freedom, better health care, a stronger economy, and political freedom.

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