Monday, November 25, 2019

Quiz on the 5 major religions

Today we had a 25 question quiz on the 5 major religions of the world.  this quiz was structured in a way that each country was given a letter as an answer on the test.  these 25 questions used the information about each of these religions that we went over in class, there was nothing on this test that was surprising.  I feel like I prepared well for this test by studying the powerpoint several times.  Overall I feel like I did well.  there was only really one question that I was unsure about and it said, What religion is 87% of Indonesia.  The correct answer to this question was Islam.  I checked this on the CIA world factbook.  I knew this because there is a large amount of Muslims in Indonesia.  the only other question that I was a bit unsure about was, what religion was founded in the 7th century.  This was also Islam, and I knew it because this was the newest religion.

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