- Gathering place and assembly, market place
- The center of athletic, artistic, spiritual, and political life in the city-state, specifically Athens
- Political entities ruled by their bodies of the citizens
- bes of many words, metropolitan politics poll
508 BC
- the birth of democracy in Greece
- first time in recorded history that people revolted against their governments
- Worked as a stonemason and served in the military honorably (Peloponnesian war)
- his roots helped to shape his views of the world
- He met with young students outside of the agora
- he would ask a series of questions to understand their underlying beliefs and knowledge
- this led to the scientific method ask questions and then test them to see what is true
- Athens being a great city attracted people from all around the world bring their many ideas about the sciences
- this was often at odds with traditional Greek mythology. but it got young people thinking about other things than what they were taught their whole lives
- He was charged with corruption of the youth &impiety
- His defenses "it is my job to be a gadfly to the lazy, sluggish horse that is Athens" I should actually be rewarded w/ free dinners for the rest of his life
- A jury of 500 male Athenians, 279 found guilty
- sentenced to dinking poisoned hemlock
- given an opportunity to escape but did not take it due to loyalty to the vote
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