Polis - A city-state in Greece known for its philosophy and philosophical purposes (Athens and Sparta) especially used for its ideal sate and philosophical values - A discussion of what to be done in the city-state
Why was the year 508 so significant to the Greeks - this year was so important to the Greeks because it was the year that democracy was introduced in Athens by Cliethenese (the father of Athenian democracy) the first time someone revolted against their ruler in recorded history
Socrates - a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with creating the main ideas in western philosophy one of the first philosophers
The death of Socrates - Socrates was killed when he was imprisoned for corrupting the young men of Athens. he was also found guilty for impiety He was killed by hemlock poisoning
the Socratic method - it is a form of argumentative speaking in order to based on asking questions and answering questions in order to instill critical thinking and draw out different ideas. involves questioning somebody and receiving answers and asking more questions to elaborate while remaining neutral.
What the ancient Greeks meant when they called someone an idiot - In ancient Greece, the word idiot meant a person who was not invested in politics or the community. It came from the Greek word meaning self or selfish.
- Ancient Greeks had a word for excellence and initiative - Arete
- excellence of any kind
- Moral virtue
- Fulfillment of purpose or function
- Mostly they act of living up to one's fullest potential
- Arete involves all of the abilities and potentialities available to humans
- The highest human knowledge is knowledge and all other abilities are derived from this knowledge
- If arete is knowledge and study then the highest human knowledge is knowledge itself
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