Friday, September 27, 2019

Lines of latitude

today in class we went over the lines of latitude.  we started class by talking about geography and what geography is, and how we can use the maps to learn a lot about human activities.  We also looked at an early Greek map that showed us one of the earliest maps that people had made of what they thought was the entire world.  These lines of longitude are organized into 360 degrees then there are 60 minutes inside arch degree.Then inside each minute there is 60 seconds.  This extreme precision helps us to find a very exact location of a place using these measurements.  Then on a map we can also find relative location which is finding the location based on other places.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Today we went over the situation.  This is the other way that a place's location can be described.  Situation describes a place's location based on its location in relation to other places.  It does this by describing the location of an unfamiliar place by using the location of a place that is familiar to people.  the importance of a place can also be determined through this method.  For example, they may be more important because the places can be reached by other places.  an example of this that we used in class was Chicago.  this place's importance was raised because it is accessible by the St. Lawrence seaway that made it the furthest inland point that people could easily go to prior to railroads.  this method of describing where places are based on the location of other places is very useful and can be used to on  the macro, or world level, or on the micro, or local level, to easily help people locate other places

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Today in honors human geo we had a very interesting class.  today we talked about site.  Site is the physical characteristics of a place.  there are many aspects that go into a site such as water sources, latitude, weather, landforms, etc.   then we talked about who two places on the same latitude can have very similar climates.  after that, we talked about who site has caused many people to chose where to settle.  In most cases in the US, the water sources caused the settlements to take place and now they have become the country's largest cities.  after that, we talked about how it is very possible for humans to change their site.  one example that we gave was Manhatten and how it is currently 2 times larger than in 1626.  Then we talked about how changing site can both have positive and negative repercussions on the environment and economy.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Learning the countries of south and central america

Today in class Mr. Schick was not present.  He left us an assignment to do on his blog.  this assignment was to play a game that helped to teach us the countries of South America and Central America.  I was already fairly familiar with these nations because we had to learn their locations in Spanish class last year.

I attempted each of these games several times and screenshotted the progression of my attempts.

Central america

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The test results.

Today in honors human geo we got our unit one, excellence, test back.  I got 100% on this test.  From the beginning, I thought that I did fairly well on this test, but I did not think that I did as well as I did.  I got all of the multiple-choice and true-false correctly, but I did not get the bonus question correct.  the bonus question was What was the tallest mountain in North America renamed in 2015.  the answer was  Denali.  If this is on the midterm then I will need to study it, but other than that the short section of the test was very easy.  Then on the essay part of the test, I did well too.  I got a 20/20 on both essays.  The first essay was on the trial of Socrates.  I got a 100 on this part by going into great detail on this in all aspects of the trial.  the nthe second one was on whether or not we would find socrates guilty.  I said that I would find him guilty at that time, and not now. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Difference Between Mercator and Peter's Projection maps

Mercator map
  • Was created by the Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator in the 16th century
  • it became the standard map for navigation because it showed everything because it allows the ship to sail at a constant compass direction.
  • the lines of longitude and latitude are constant at any point on the map
    • one flaw of the map is that it wildly misrepresents the size of landmasses by making the landmasses farther from the equator larger.
  • used for most street maps and marine navigation
  • in most cases size is associated with importance
    • this map makes the countries of North America and Europe seem far larger than the third world countries around the equator  thereby making them seem far more important

Peter's Projection Map
  • this is a rectangular map that shows the more accurate sizes of the places in relation to the other places around the globe
    • it achieves this goal by distorting the shapes f some places
    • this map shows is part of a family of maps and the places at 45* north and south have no distortion
  • it is named after James Gall and Arno Peters because Gall presented this idea at a science convention in the 1850s and then Peter brought this idea to a wider audience in the 1970s
  • maps based on or using this projection are widely promoted by UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.) and is used in most British schools
  • Although in the US only Massachusets and the Boston School District became the first school district to use these maps in March of 2017
  • this map gained notoriety in the late 1900s and began to raise controversy about the creation of maps. 

All in all, I believe that the Peters projection Map should be used in most schools due to the fact that it represents the size of the landmasses more accurately.

Monday, September 16, 2019


     Today in human geo we looked at three different maps.  One was of the United States, and the other two were of the entire world.  There was one major difference between these two maps though one of these maps was called Mercator map and the other was a peter's projection map.  the first of these two maps were invented in the 15th century and was very good for sailing and other types of navigation.  the new peter's projection map is more accurate when it comes to the size of places.  in the Mercator map places such as the united states were made far larger than they actually are and third world countries were mad far smaller.  In this new map, things are much more proportionate.  such as Africa and Greenland.  they do this by bending the distance between the longitude and latitude lines to simulate the curvature of the earth better.  Another point that was made about maps was why does north have to be up all of the time and that it is very easily possible to make south the top of the map and that there are problems with this idea.

Friday, September 13, 2019


     Today in honors human geo we took a test about excellence.  the main ideas that were on this test were Socrates, the Socratic method, democracy in Greece, and A Message to Garcia.  I was not surprised about the data on the test because these were the things that we went over and talked about in class.  I was surprised to not see the question, what is Elbert Hubbard's view of society, or who does Hubbard support more, the common man or the business owners.  This is because the vast majority of the essay was about these things.  All in all this test did seem fairly easy.  the multiple-choice and the fill in the blank was all clear and concise and there was only answer that would fit   The essay questions were all fair, and I personally liked the opinion question, and the first essay question was also easy. overall I feel like I did very well on this quiz

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Test Review

Today we reviewed for the test that is taking place tomorrow about excellence.  The test has three types of question, multiple-choice, fill in the blank and essay.   The essays questions have to do with Socrates and the Message to Garcia.  I believe that the main points on this test will be Socrates, the greek advancements in government, and a message to Garcia.   The multiple-choice and fill in the blank will mostly cover a message to Garcia and it's setting and the people that are in the essay.  Socrates and the Socratic method will make up the majority of the test.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The ancient Greeks

Today we went over the research topics from the last class and took the exact notes on them.

  • Gathering place and assembly, market place
  • The center of athletic, artistic, spiritual, and political life in the city-state, specifically Athens
  • Political entities ruled by their bodies of the citizens 
    • bes of many words, metropolitan politics poll 
508 BC
  • the birth of democracy in Greece 
  • first time in recorded history that people revolted against their governments
  • Worked as a stonemason and served in the military honorably (Peloponnesian war)
  • his roots helped to shape his views of the world
  •   He met with young students outside of the agora 
  • he would ask a series of questions to understand their underlying beliefs and knowledge
  • this led to the scientific method  ask questions and then test them to see what is true
  • Athens being a great city attracted people from all around the world bring their many ideas about the sciences
  • this was often at odds with traditional Greek mythology. but it got young people thinking about other things than what they were taught their whole lives
  • He was charged with corruption of the youth &impiety 
  • His defenses "it is my job to be a gadfly to the lazy, sluggish horse that is Athens" I should actually be rewarded w/ free dinners for the rest of his life 
  • A jury of 500 male Athenians, 279 found guilty
  • sentenced to dinking poisoned hemlock 
  • given an opportunity to escape but did not take it due to loyalty to the vote

Monday, September 9, 2019


Agora- A public place that the ancient Greeks used for assemblies and markets
Polis - A city-state in Greece known for its philosophy and philosophical purposes (Athens and Sparta) especially used for its ideal sate and philosophical values - A   discussion of what to be done in the city-state
Why was the year 508 so significant to the Greeks - this year was so important to the Greeks because it was the year that democracy was introduced in Athens by Cliethenese (the father of Athenian democracy) the first time someone revolted against their ruler in recorded history
Socrates - a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with creating the main  ideas in western philosophy  one of the first philosophers
The death of Socrates - Socrates was killed when he was imprisoned for corrupting the young men of Athens. he was also found guilty for impiety  He was killed by hemlock poisoning
the Socratic method - it is a form of argumentative speaking in order to based on asking questions and answering questions in order to instill critical thinking and draw out different ideas.  involves questioning somebody and receiving answers and asking more questions to elaborate while remaining neutral.
What the ancient Greeks meant when they called someone an idiot - In ancient Greece, the word idiot meant a person who was not invested in politics or the community.  It came from the Greek word meaning self or selfish.


  • Ancient Greeks had a word for excellence and initiative - Arete 
    • excellence of any kind
      • Moral virtue 
      • Fulfillment of purpose or function
      • Mostly they act of living up to one's fullest potential
      • Arete involves all of the abilities and potentialities available to humans 
  • The highest human knowledge is knowledge and all other abilities are derived from this knowledge 
  • If arete is knowledge and study then the highest human knowledge is knowledge itself

Saturday, September 7, 2019


  • Message to Garcia published in 1899 
  • due to its popularity was printed in a book and a pamphlet
  • over 40000000 copies sold
  • printed into 37 languages
  • made into 2 movies in 1916 and 1936
  • take a message to Garcia became a popular slang term that means to take initiative
  • takes place during the Spanish American war
  • Garcia is a revolutionary seeking freedom from Spain
  • Rowan is an army officer graduated from West point in 1881
  • mckinley was the 25th president of the United States
  • McKinley is killed by an anarchist
  • vocabulary
    • perihelion - department of playing this is closest to the sun and the brightest my paper is supposed to be turned in
    • slipshod - careless and lackadaisical 
    • Imbecility-  being stupid and careless
    • stenographer - A person who takes notes in Shorthand for the boss, A sectary
    • Missive - A formal or proper letter   
    • "What is initiative? I'll tell you: it is doing the right thing without being told" - Elbert Hubbard 

Finishing A Message to Garcia

Today we finished reading and analyzing a message to Garcia.  the main point of the Essay was that people are lazy and stupid, and he boss that has to deal with all of this stupidity is the true hero that needs sympathy, not the sweatshop workers.  The author also made it clear that we need more people like Rowan in our society,  people who do their task without question nor laziness and they do their task to the fullest.


  • Written in 1899 during the Spanish American war 
    • takes place in Cuba
    • Pres. McKinley has Rowan, a military officer that graduated from west point in 1899
      • Rowan takes this task without question and does it to his fullest, he gets the message to Garcia without a second thought  
        • Elbert Hubbard thinks that more people should be like Rowan 
        • but most people, in his eyes are very lazy
        • people who are paid and can't do anything except ask questions or ask for help
        • Hubbard talks about people being stupid and lazy and useless and try not to do anything unlike Rowan
        • Hubbard says people have a sick will
        • is people should get beaten with the club or fired for in capability
      • Hubbard rights if you put out an ad for help you will get incapable person most of the time
      • Hubbard writes that if you ask a person to take a message they'll get drunk and forget about what he was doing
      •  Hubbard takes the side of the business owners and thanks sweatshop workers are 2 week and solved and homeless are homeless because they're too lazy to work
      • Hubbard thinks bosses should be completely in charge and lay people off until they get good worker
    • ideas about people being too lazy or still present today
    •  about people being too lazy or still present today
    • not all people are lazy and useless
    • a man of the world thinks that he could be a powerful balls but at the same time he thinks that he's oppressed and is too lazy and now he has no job
    • Elbert thinks that this man should be kicked and beaten
    • he thinks that these people are as good as "cripples"
    • the world is always looking for good work that carry a message to Garcia
    • if you work hard and are always a person that someone can go to the world will open up for you

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Beggining A message to garcia

September 4, 2019

     Today was the second day that I had Honors Human Geography.  Today in class we went over how hard our high school years can be.  In class we discussed that the majority of these difficulties come from the drama that occurs within our class, and with the business that occurs in our schedules.  This truly does apply to me.  This year I am taking all honors classes that give a large amount of  homework as well as playing football and wrestling.  Although this year will be busy I look forwards to all that it has to offer.
    We also read A Message To Garcia a Essay by Elbert Hubbard.  We read the beginning paragraphs of this essay.  These paragraphs told the story of a man named Rowan who did the job he was asked to do diligently.  this man, Rowan did this job through hard work.  This part of the essay then led to the author's opinion of most of the people in the world, they are lazy and don't get anything done without help or a divine miracle.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for me at the John Carroll School, for the most part today went well.  My favorite part of today was the S.T.E.A.M. based learning class.  This was the most interesting part of my day because I learned what we are going to cover this year in this class.  Most of these topics I found very interesting and  I look forward to learning these things.  My least favorite part of today was when I had math.  This is not because of the teacher or anyone in the class, but simply because math is one the subjects that I do not enjoy as much.
       In most of the classes we were given assigned seats.  In Honors Human Geo.  I like my seat.  This is because I am in the middle of the room, not in the front nor the back, and the people near me all seem agreeable.