2. One film that I have seen recently that is similar to the characteristics of a greek tragedy is the news Star Wars movie. In this movie the Protagonist, Rey is one of the most powerful Jedi that there is, but like many characters in the Greek tragedies, she has a tragic flaw which is the fact that she is tempted by the dark side. Although this is a simple comparison of the two share similarities in the plot, like so many other films because the greeks are a premise that many people base many things off of.
3. Greek Theater

This is an image of a Greek amphitheater. This shows how important the plays were to the Greek people. This massive theater could obviously seat an insane amount of people. This is because the plays were often a huge public event that everyone would go to. also, this image shows the huge stage and backdrop which could have pieces and colors added to it to make it more expressive and exciting.
Nice work, George. Excellent comparison with Star Wars, and you chose a terrific image of the Greek theater. Not a bad seat, when you get right down to it.