Tuesday, April 21, 2020

essay question and outline

My question for the essay will be: Which of the three philosophers that we discussed this year was the most influential.  For the first paragraph of my essay, I will go over who the three philosophers, along with mentioning who they are I will go over how they all are connected, and how they are all influential in different ways.  for the second paragraph, I will go over Socrates' life.  I will mention who and where he taught, and what his main ideas and achievements were.  then for my next paragraph, I will mention Plato's main ideas, achievements, who he taught, and where he taught. Then for my fourth paragraph, I will go over Aristotle's crowning achievements and ideas. THen to close out the essay I will show how socrates was the most influential Philosopher due to the fact that we still use many of his ideas in teaching and the sciences.

1 comment:

  1. Good choice, and terrific organization. The key to making this an exceptional essay will be illustrating the connections between the three, rather than just giving three separate snapshots of each. Go get 'em, George!
