Wednesday, April 15, 2020

virtual assignemnt #12

The philosophers all believe they are
the one who knows the most of life and love
with man, they intellectually spar
why is death shown by black, or peace the dove
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
they will challenge you to think for yourself
use your own thoughts and observe, don't dawdle
at the Lyceum are books on the shelf
Socrates taught the youth, have your ideas
do not let how you have been raised interfere 
to all of the people he gave speeches
he taught people, spread ideas, mouth to ear
they are gone though their methods still exist
we all must see the light so we can assist

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so we should add "poetry" to the list of your talents, George. You have a terrific economy of language in saying what you wanted to say. I'm impressed.
