In the time of the golden age of Athens, a time where art and science excelled wise able statesmen led Athens. His name was Pericles. He held popular support for 32 years and was very intelligent and capable leader. over his time in power, he set three main goals. The first of these was to strengthen Athenian democracy. In order to achieve this, he increased the number of paid public officials. this helped to allow even the poorest citizens to serve if they were elected so that way they did not lose money by neglecting their job while working with the government. The next of his goals was to hold and strengthen the empire. He accomplished this through Alowinbg Athens to take control of the Delian league. He then used the money from the league's treasury to strengthen the Athenian navy. His third goal was to glorify Athens. He also did this with money from the league which he used to beautify Athens. Large sums of money went to purchasing gold, ivory, and marble, and more of it went to pay artists.
Direct democracy is a form of government in which people vote directly on an idea, not through representatives. Athen's found great pride in their democracy.
When the greeks won the Peloponnesian war they decided to unify slightly more than they had before in order to form the Delian League. This league was formed to allow the city-states to be able to work together to become stronger. Although they were all supposed to work together Athens eventually began to assume control of the league. Eventually, Athens's strong military made some members of the league more like part of the Athenian empire. Even though the league was supposed to work together, Athens dominated all other states.
Excellent work, George!