Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Greece the crucible of civilization episode 1 part two

After Pisistratus began to help people pay off their farms, the people of Athens began to increase the wealth of their state through agrarian society.  They began to grow olives.  these olives were the lifeline of the Athenian economy.  people all around the Mediterranian sea.  the Athenians, therefore, gained a large amount of wealth through these products. The Athenians could, therefore, trade the olive-based goods for many of the other necessary items that they needed to become great due to their location in proximity to the sea.  They also began to use a new style of painting on their pottery that they use to transport these goods.  they developed a new style of more natural painting.  these potters were one of the lowest classes in all of ancient Greece.  Unfortunately, Pisistratus died in 527 thereby ending his rule of Athens.  then came his son  Hippias.  Hippias originally followed his fathers example of the fair ruling, but after the murder fo his brother he became vengeful and  twisted and aimed to keep all of the power to himself.

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