Tuesday, March 3, 2020

the military of ancient greece

today in  honors western civ we went over the military part of ancient Greece.  The Greeks were a very war like people.  No other people exemplified this more  the Spartans.  they were known for their rough and ruthless infantry, or soldiers that fight on the ground.  these soldiers were trained from the time that they were 7.  The Athenians had a fairly powerful infantry, but their true military power came with their navy.  they had a new type of ship called the triumvirate.  this type of ship had three level of oars they were the fastest ship that had ever been made.  they were the peak of naval engineering for the time. they also developed a ground fighting style called the phalanx,  this s where 15x15 soldiers stood with interlocking shields and long spears and punch slowly through the enemy ranks.

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