Tuesday, February 25, 2020

the rulers of ancient greece

Today I was back in western civ.  Today we went over some of the early leaders of ancient Greece.  the first of these leaders that we went over was Draco.  He was one of the most violent out of all of the rulers that we went over.  He was aggressive and a massive fan of capital punishment for even the simplest of crimes.  Under his rule debt, slavery was also allowed.  after he came Solon, Solon was far less aggressive than  Draco.  He was against debt slavery and allowed citizens to speak at the assembly.  there were also many more changes to the government around 500 bc.  one of these was the council of 500 where many people could speak at the assembly and get input.  Although this allowed more people to take part in the government it only helped to land-owning, Athenian males.  then came Hippias who was another tyrant.  he began his rule as a fine person, but after the assassination of his brother he became paranoid and a very twisted person springing the death penalty on anyone who was against him or his family.  he was so paranoid and evil that eventually he was ostracized.  then he went to help the Persian king to eventually attack marathon.

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