Plebs have a history of revolting
- How to keep the plebs from revolting
- the Juvenal poet said that all Rome desires are bread and circuses
- give them bread, free grain from the state, and entertainment to keep them distracted and peaceful
- Tiberius Gracchus noticed the benefits in helping the plebs
- Military generals also used this ideal when the gave the soldiers some of the lands that they conquered
- made soldiers loyal to their leaders, not necessarily to the republic
- Julius Ceaser (100-44BC)
- Very powerful and successful general
- COnquered large amounts of territory including Gual
- made the common folks happy
- He also had many friends in high places
- include Pompey
- Crassus
- these three men formed the triumvirate
- Ceaser crossed the rubicon, the point of no return into Gual
- Frist Ceaser served as a consul for one year
- he then appoints himself as the governor of Gual
- Ceaser's army clashed with Pompey in Greece Asia, Spain, and Egypt
- In 44 bc he is named dictator for 6 mo then life
- Ceaser made many reforms
- made people in provinces citizens
- expanded senate
- c\made jobs for the poor, mostly through public works
- increased pay for soldiers
- started colonies where those who didn't own land could own property
- Ceaser was assassinated on March 15 44 BC
- assassinated because people saw Ceaser's rise in power as a huge threat to political viability
- they lured him into the senate and stabbed him 23 times
- even by his friend brutus
- Octavian named Ceasers sole heir
- ends republic
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